
Showing posts from April, 2021

Why Do You Have Asperger's? Why I Have Asperger's

Why do you have Asperger's? How did you find out you had Asperger's? I just discovered last year that I have asperger's after rocking back and forth for nearly 46 years. It's been a tremendous relief and it made my life worth something more than I thought it was! I hope you get tested as well - if you're curious. Please read the full article here: Why Do You Have Asperger's? Why I Have Asperger's - Asperger's and Addiction : 

5 Best Life-Changing Habits to Stay Sober Forever - Asperger's and Addiction

Having been sober for 13 years, I have found certain techniques that are very effective in helping one stay sober for the long-term. Recovery can be very hard and can be a rollercoaster of emotions and insecurities. Please read the full article for these life-changing tips! 5 Best Life-Changing Habits to Stay Sober Forever - Asperger's and Addiction :  #alcoholism #alcohol #sober #sobriety  #treatment #recovery #relapse #mentalhealth #AA

Rocking Back and Forth Autism Update - Day 112 - Asperger's and Addiction

I started rocking when I was 2 years old on a rocking horse. I don't know why I started, but it turned into a 40+ year habit where it consumed my life and I spent over 45,000 hours rocking. The last couple years I rocked from morning until night nonstop. Read the full article here: Rocking Back and Forth Autism Update - Day 112 - Asperger's and Addiction : 

5 Best Tips to Reduce Anxiety in Your First Month of Sobriety - Asperger's and Addiction

5 Best Tips to Reduce Anxiety in Your First Month of Sobriety - Asperger's and Addiction : Today I’m going to talk about the five tips to reduce anxiety in your first month of sobriety.  I know how hard it is, I’ve been there. It was a roller coaster of ups and downs, white knuckling it, avoiding people and just freaking out because all of your emotions are going to come back if you’re not drinking anymore.  So I have five tips to really help you reduce your anxiety your first month or two or three of sobriety. So the first one is: Number five: you have to change your diet  You got to stay away from... #sober #sobriety #health #selfcare #PTSD #ADD #addiction #mentalhealth #cbd #recovery #healing Click blue link to read full post!